4000x Series Digital Clock
Operating and Installation Instructions
1 - Introduction
The 4000x series of digital clocks provide a precise and elegant display of me using red, green,
yellow/amber, blue or white LED display characters with an unrivalled flexibility of opera on in the most
demanding mekeeping and stopwatch applica ons.
All units can be used in stand-alone applica ons, while 4000N & 4000NE products are primarily intended to
be synchronised via NTP/SNTP from a remote me server located on the customers TCP/IP Ethernet
network. 4000NE & 4000E units can be configured for over 30 different types of secondary clock opera on,
included GPS, MSF or DCF radio me code synchronisa on when used with the appropriate op on module
or radio receiver. The 4000EP version is intended to synchronise from MOBALine, Ac ve DCF or 24V
alternate polarity impulses.
The 4000NE & 4000E series digital clocks can display sta c me display; alterna ng me and date or
alterna ng me and temperature; or alterna ng me, date and temperature. (Please note, temperature
display only available on 4000E and 4000NE series units and requires connec on of 406 temperature
All of the digital clocks also have the ability to operate as a mul -range programmable stopwatch using
supplied infrared remote control or, for 4000NE and 4000E units only, using an external stopwatch control
panel or user supplied voltage free contact closure or switch.
Simple Operation
All 4000x digital clocks are supplied with an infrared remote control to allow for easy setup and control of
stopwatch func ons. The units are simple to configure and will automa cally adjust themselves for
seasonal daylight savings me changes (as required).
Operating Features
The 4000x series digital clock displays offer the following opera ng features.
83 preset loca on codes - The digital clock may be user programmed to display the me in one
of 83 different preset loca ons.
User programmable me zone - To allow for custom me zones or future changes in legisla on
Automa c or manual brightness - The display may be programmed to one of seven preset
display brightness levels. Alterna vely, the unit may be programmed for automa c display
brightness where the display illumina on level is reduced as the ambient light level decreases -
Mul -func on Stopwatch - The display can be configured to operate as a count-up or
count-down stopwatch with a the display freely switchable between opera ng modes or fixed to
either stopwatch or clock display.
Issue 2.2