You do not need the
RIGblaster pro
to receive so leave it in the box!
Insert our CD in your CD ROM drive. The West Mountain Radio screen will pop up in a few seconds.
From our screen click the “XMIT” button for the “West Mountain Radio RIGblaster Software
Click the “XMIT” button for whatever mode you would like to try.
Click “XMIT” for whatever program you would like to try. Follow the installation prompts that appear
on the screen to install the software.
Close the West Mountain Radio Window and put the West Mountain Radio CD in a safe place.
Your program is now installed. From Windows, click, “Start”, “Programs”, find your program icon and
click to start that program.
Using one of the supplied mini plug cables, (referred to throughout this manual as “Patch Cord”)
connect the speaker output of your radio to the Line In (Mic In on a laptop) of your computer.
There are three other receive audio connection options that will be described later in this manual.
Tune in an appropriate signal for the mode you have selected. On our CD you will find a chart of
standard operating frequencies for the various modes. So you can get a better understanding of what to
listen for when tuning, our CD also contains recordings of many of these exciting new modes.
Double click the little yellow speaker icon in the lower right corner of your Windows screen. You will
get your Windows sound playback control panel. Click “Options”, “Properties”, “Recording” and “OK”
to get the recording control panel. With your mouse, turn up the “Line In” slider (or “Microphone In”
on a laptop) about half way and “Select” that input.
Turn up your radio volume control (AF Gain) to the 9 or 10 o’clock position or until you see a signal
displayed on the ham radio sound card software screen.
Follow the instructions or help that comes with the software to tune in the station using your radio
and/or the software.
You should then be receiving that station. Try tuning in several other stations or even try another
program or mode.
Before proceeding beyond this step, you should disconnect the audio cable installed above.