background image






Unplug the power cord first.


Rotate the Quick-relea-

se blade clamp anticlockwise with hand (2).


At the 

same time push blade to the deepest position, then 

release the quick-release blade clamp.


Make sure 

it is securely fastened (3).


When removing the saw 

blade, follow the above procedure in reverse order.


Connect the plug to the power supply.


Turn on or 

turn off the tool by squeezing or releasing the ON/

OFF  switch  trigger.


For continuous operation just 

press the lock-on button on the left side of the hand-

le (4).


The lock-on button can be release by pres-

sing the switch trigger again.


You can modify the speed at any time by pressing 

on switch (5). The more you press the switch the 

speed will be higher.



Unplug your saw.


Loosen the both cap screws in the 

gear frame with hex key (6).


Reposition pivot shoe 

assembly in or out (7).


Retighten both cap screws 

securely (6).


Do not over tighten cap screws.



ve hex key.


Push the button backward as the direction of arrow 

shows on the and rotate grip to left or right at the 

same time (8).


There are five positions in all. 


Clamp your work piece if it is portable.


Rest the front 

shoe of the saw on your work piece (be sure the 

blade is not contacting the work piece) and start 

the saw, exerting enough pressure in the direction 

of the cut to keep the shoe pressed firmly against 

the work piece at all times.


Do not force the cut or 

stall the saw.


Don’t bend or twist the blade, let the 

tool and the blade do the work.


In general, coarser 

blades are for wood, plastics, and composites, and 

finer blades are for cutting metal.


Chattering or vi-

bration may indicate you need a finer blade or hig


her speed.


If the blade overheats or clogs, it may 

indicate you need a coarser blade.


Replace blades 

when they become dull.


Dull blades will produce por 

results and may overheat the saw.


Clearly mark the line of cut, from a convenient star-

ting point within the cut out área.


Place the tip of the 

blade over that point with saw parallel to the line of 

cut, slowing lower the saw until the bottom edge of 

the shoe rests on the work piece and the blade not 

touching the work piece.


Start the saw and allow 

it to attain full speed.


With the saw resting on the 

shoe, slowly tilt the saw forward to lower the blade 

onto the cut line.


Continue this motion until the saw 

blade is perpendicular to the work piece. 


Blades  specifically  designated  for  cutting  metals 

must be used for this purpose.


You may use light 

oil as a coolant when cutting metal, this will prevent 

overheating of the blade, help the blade cut faster, 

and promote longer blade life.


The reciprocating saw has been designed for a long 

working life with minimum maintenance.



use depends on correct care of the reciprocating saw 

and regular cleaning.


To prevent accidents, always 

unplug the reciprocating saw from the power source 

before cleaning or performing any maintenance.



reciprocating  saw  may  be  cleaned  effectively  using 

compressed air after each use.


If compressed air is 

not available, use a brush to remove dust from the 

reciprocating saw.


Motor ventilation vents and switch 

levers must be dept clean and free of foreign matter.


Do not attempt to clean by inserting pointed objects 

through openings.


Cetain cleaning agents and solvents 

damage plastic parts, among them are gasoline, carbon 

tetrachloride, chlorinated cleaning solvents, ammonia 

and household cleaners containing ammonia.


Do not 

use any of these to clean the reciprocating saw.



excessive sparking occur, have a Werku


 official repair 

service exam and/or replace the carbon brushes.


The materials and components that have been 

used to manufacture this product can be re-used 

and recycled. Werku


 is adhered to an Integrated 

Management System that is in charge of the correct 

elimination of the residues of this product. Do not 

eliminate this product with domestic residues. 



 offers to its clients a free collection service 

of these residues through any of its sale points, or in 

the collection points established by the Integrated 

Management System or in the recycling point of 

your locality.

Summary of Contents for WK403160


Page 2: ...the power tool can differ from the declared total value depending on the ways in which the power tool is used Warning identify safety measures to protect the operator based on an estimation of exposu...

Page 3: ...sed metal parts of this power tool live and could give the operator an electric shock DO NOT ABUSE THE CORD Never use the cord to carry lift or unplug the power tool Keep the cord away from heat oil s...

Page 4: ...l operating without having it firmly fixed Only turn it on when you are sure you have full control over it Do not point this power tool at anyone while in use When operating this power tool will produ...

Page 5: ...t star ting point within the cut out rea Place the tip of the blade over that point with saw parallel to the line of cut slowing lower the saw until the bottom edge of the shoe rests on the work piece...

Page 6: ...Assistance Service by telepho ne on 34 981 648 119 or by e mail at info werku com This warranty does not cover defects caused by parts that have worn out from use other types of natural wear defects...

Page 7: ...l declarado seg n la forma en que se utilice la herramienta el ctrica Advertencia identifique las medidas de seguridad para proteger al usuario bas ndose en una estimaci n de la exposici n en las cond...

Page 8: ...e choque el ctrico si su cuerpo est puesto a tierra No exponga las herramientas el ctricas a la lluvia o a condiciones de humedad El agua que entre en la herramienta el ctrica aumentar el riesgo de ch...

Page 9: ...servicio oficial de reparaci n Werku usando solamente piezas de recambio id nticas Esto garantizar que la seguridad de la herramienta el ctrica se mantiene VERIFICAR CONDICI N Revise que todos los to...

Page 10: ...aumenta la velocidad PARA CAMBIAR LA POSICI N DEL CONJUN TO DE ZAPATA DE PIVOTE Desenchufe la sierra Afloje los tornillos de sombre rete del bastidor de engranajes con la llave hexa gonal 6 Vuelva a p...

Page 11: ...alidez El consumidor tiene derecho a la reparaci n gratuita de los defectos gastos de env o mano de obra y materiales incluidos bien mediante la reparaci n o mediante la sustituci n si es necesa rio p...

Page 12: ...e in der das Elektrowerkzeug verwendet wird vom angegebenen Gesamtwert abweichen Warnung identifizieren Sie Sicherheitsma nahmen zum Schutz des Bedieners auf der Grundlage einer Sch tzung der Expositi...

Page 13: ...ammenhang mit Staub verringern ELEKTRISCHE SICHERHEIT Der Ger testecker muss f r die vorgesehen Steckdose geeignet sein Nehmen Sie keine Ver nderungen am Stecker vor Verwenden Sie keinen Steckeradapte...

Page 14: ...r dass die beweglichen Teile nicht falsch ausgerichtet oder verklemmt sind dass es keine defekten Teile oder andere Bedingungen gibt die das Funktionieren elektrisches Werkzeug beeintr chtigen k nnten...

Page 15: ...S geblatt so tief wie m glich einschieben dann den Schnellverschluss loslassen 3 Ans chlie end alles auf festen und sicheren Sitz pr fen Zum Entfernen des S geblatts diesen Vorgang in umgekehrter Rei...

Page 16: ...e durch Einf hren spitzer Gegenst nde in die ffnungen zu reinigen Einige Reinigungs und L sungsmittel wie Benzin Tetrachlormethan chlorierte l semittelbasierte Reiniger Ammoniak und ammoniakhaltige Ha...

Page 17: ...Werku sind wenn das Produkt durch Personal das nicht zum Kundenservi ce geh rt ganz oder teilweise auseinander montiert ver ndert oder repariert wurde oder kleine und f r den Gebrauch und ordnungsgem...

Page 18: ...tif peuvent diff rer de la valeur totale d clar e en fonction de la mani re dont l outil lectroportatif est utilis Attention identifier les mesures de s curit pour prot ger l op rateur sur la base d u...

Page 19: ...i re que ce soit Ne pas utiliser d adaptateurs de prises avec des outils lectriques mis la terre Des prises non modifi es et des socles adapt s permettront de r duire le risque d lectrocution vitez le...

Page 20: ...Les outils lectriques doivent tre r par s avant leur utilisation quand ils sont endommag s De nombreux accidents sont caus s par des outils lectriques mal entretenus Utilisez ces outils lectriques et...

Page 21: ...le sens Antihoraire 2 Poussez simultan ment la lame jusqu la position la plus profonde puis rel chez la bride de serrage de lame desserrage rapide 3 V rifiez qu elle est correctement serr e Lors de la...

Page 22: ...poussi re de la scie sabre l aide d une brosse Les fentes de ventilation du moteur et les interrupteurs doivent tre toujours propres et d pourvus de tout r sidu N essayez pas de les nettoyer en introd...

Page 23: ...par par du personnel autre que celui du Service d Assistance Technique ou s il s agit d irr gularit s minimes et insignifiantes pour une utilisation et un fonctionnement ad quats Les r parations et r...

Page 24: ...le dichiarato a seconda delle modalit di utilizzo dell utensile elettrico Avvertenza individuaremisuredisicurezzaatuteladell operatore sulla base di una stima dell esposizione nelle effettive condizio...

Page 25: ...cosse elettriche Evitare il contatto del corpo con superfici messe a terra come tubi radiatori cucine elettriche e frigoriferi C un rischio maggiore di scossa elettrica se il tuo corpo messo a terra N...

Page 26: nelle vicinanze e mettere in funzione l elettroutensile alla massima velocit a vuoto per un minuto Gli accessori danneggiati si romperanno normalmente durante questo tempo di prova Posizionare il c...

Page 27: ...di lavoro La sega sciabola deve es sere utilizzata solo da personale opportunamente addestrato alla sua movimentazione ed esclusiva mente nel rispetto delle applicazioni qui previste ALIMENTAZIONE ELE...

Page 28: ...ita MANUTENZIONE La sega sciabola progettata per funzionare a lungo con una manutenzione minima Le prestazioni ottimali dipendono da una buona cura della sega sciabola e da una pulizia frequente Per e...

Page 29: ...l funzionamento o da appli cazioni che non sono conformi all uso previsto di questo prodotto o da fattori ambientali anormali o sovraccarico manutenzione o pulizia inadeguata difetti causati dall uso...

Page 30: ...waarde afhankelijk van de manieren waarop het elektrische gereedschap wordt gebruikt Waarschuwing identificeer veiligheidsmaatregelen om de gebruiker te beschermen op basis van een schatting van de b...

Page 31: ...kasten Er bestaat een verhoogd risico op een elektrische schok wanneer uw lichaam geaard is Elektrisch gereedschap niet blootleggen aan regen of natte omstandigheden Water in het elektrisch gereedscha...

Page 32: ...d zijn Veel ongelukken worden veroorzaakt door slecht onderhouden elektrisch gereedschap Gebruik elektrischgereedschapenaccessoiresvolgensdeze instructies en op de wijze die voor het specifieke type e...

Page 33: ...toerental verhogen OM DE STAND VAN DE ZAAGVOET TE VE RANDEREN Haal de stekker uit het stopcontact Zet beide inbusbouten in de behuizing van de overbrenging los m b v de inbussleutel 6 Breng de zaagvoe...

Page 34: ...duur De consument heeft recht op gratis reparatie van alle defecten verzendkosten arbeidskosten en materialen inbegrepen hetzij via de reparatie of door vervanging eventueel met een nieuwer model In i...

Page 35: ...da Aten o identifique medidas de seguran a para proteger o operador com base em uma estimativa de exposi o nas condi es reais de uso PICTOGRAMAS Ler manual de instru es Usar protec o ocular Usar prote...

Page 36: ...superf cies isoladas quando realizar uma opera o em que o acess rio girat rio possa entrar em contato com fios ocultos ou seu pr prio cabo Um acess rio girat rio em contato com um fio vivo pode tornar...

Page 37: ...garantir a seguran a da ferramenta seja mantida VERIFICAR CONDI AO Verifique se os parafusos da serra sabre est o todos perfeitamente apertados Em climas frios ou quando a serra sabre tenha estado se...

Page 38: ...APATA COM EIXO Desligue da tomada a sua serra Desaperte ambos os parafusos sextavados na estrutura da engrena gem com a chave sextavada 6 Reposicione o con junto da sapata com eixo para dentro ou para...

Page 39: ...eito repara o gratuita dos defeitos custos de envio m o de obra e materiais inclu dos optar pela repara o da escada defeituoso ou pela substitui o substituindo se for necess rio por um modelo poste ri...

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Page 44: ...tecnico in garanzia viene fornito solo dietro presentazione di questo documento firmato e timbrato insieme alla fattura o ricevuta NED Service onder garantie wordt alleen verstrekt op vertoon van dez...
