8820IP Phone User Manual_ SIP (V1.44)
set natttl XX
Set NAT TTL XX is an integer between 10 and 65535 sec. default
value is 20 sec.
set phonenumber XXXXXXXX
Set a local ID of PA168X IP phone. Value xxxxx must be an Arabic
numeral and no longer than 16 characters.
set account XXXXXX
Set the account; Value xxxxxx must be an Arabic numeral and no
longer than 32 characters.
Set the account; Value xxxxxx must be an Arabic numeral and no
longer than 32 characters.
set registerport XXXX
Set register port.
Value XXXX default is 5060.
set rtpport XXXX
RTP port is the port transferring and receiving voice flow using
UDP protocol. XXXX is an even number between 1024 and 65535.
set tos X
Set TOS segment of IP head package in RTP digital follow. X is
range from 0 through 224.
set dtmf X