mVSM Troubleshooting Guide
How do I move a peripheral from one tablet to another?
To move a peripheral from one tablet to another simply add the peripheral to the new tablet
and remove the peripheral from the old tablet. See page 19 of the
Welch Allyn Mobile Vital
Signs Monitoring 3.1 Clinical Portal Directions for Use
for more information.
Can I assign a single patient to multiple tablets?
This is currently not available.
How often should I change batteries?
It is recommended that you change the batteries every time a new kit is deployed or
redeployed. If the client is going to have the kit for an extended period, additional batteries
may be given to the client and training on how to change the batteries is recommended.
Can I copy/paste into the “Notes” section?
Yes. There is no issue with this though formatting will be lost.
Can I set up standardized “canned” messages to send to patients?
This is currently not available.
Can I shorten the “No Data Received” time-frame?
This is currently not available.
Can I develop my own “checkbox” interventions?
No. Custom development options are available. Ask you sales representative.
How do I determine if a patient is not a good candidate for this?
See our sample inclusion/exclusion criteria.
What happens if some loses or steals the equipment?
Patient signs consent liable. It is also encouraged that insurance is purchased for kits.
What do the warranties cover? How do I get a device replaced?
Software is provided "as is".
Hardware warranties vary by device. Please speak to your sales representative for further