• Speaker Off Sends a ‘speaker off’ command to the handle.
• Read Microphone Sends a ‘read microphone’ command to the handle and displays
the result.
Calvin Tools Menu
• Set Pressure The system requests the user place the pressure tube on the handle
and then requests a pressure value. The valves in the handle and on the pres-
sure system are closed and the syringe creates the requested pressure. Pres-
sure range is +220daPa to -420 daPa.
• Valve Tool Allows you to open and close the pressure relief valve.
• Read Barometer Updates barometric pressure display on top of the display.
• Handle Speaker Commands Displays menus options for turning on the handle
speaker and reading the handle microphone.
• Create database Files Select the item to create empty calibration record databases.
Prom Editor
The PROM editor allows you to interactively edit the contents of PROM. The file
‘promuse.msk’ can be used to selectively specify which locations are automatically
read. Locations which are not read in are marked with ‘??’. If you lose communica-
tions with the handle, a location will be marked as ‘XX’. The Home key can be used to
resync with the Handle.
The current cursor location is marked in white. Locations which have been changed are
displayed with yellow.
Prom File Menu
This menu allows you to load default values in to PROM from a file, or to save PROM
values to a file. All PROM files have the extension ‘.PRN’. The file must contain exactly
256 lines. A lines specifies a single memory location. Lines with -1 will be ignored and
will not affect PROM.
• Read from File Use this option to load PROM memory from a file in the PRM direc-
tory. Tab to get to the list, highlight the file to be read.
• Write to File Use this option to store values from PROM to a file. Locations marked
as ?? are not written to the file. All files will be written to the PRM directory; do
not specify a directory. The file will have the entered filename with an extension
of .PRN. Do not specify any other extension.
• Formatted dump Selecting this option will dump the contents of the editor to a file.
The format is ASCII text, suitable for printing.
• Read entire PROM Use this menu item to read the entire contents of I
PROM into
the editor.
The serial terminal program is used to directly communicate with devices connected to
COM1 or COM2. The following special keys are interpreted:
Alt-S Brings up a menu which lets you choose which device the terminal talks to.
Alt-H Toggles between ASCII output and Hex output.
Alt-Q Leaves the terminal program.