800092-02 Rev. C
Play file
To play a file, in the terminal command box, type “playfile 1 filename”. The filename must include the path, which should
always begin with “/assets” and the file extension, which should always be “.ts”. Files are MPEG2 transport stream files.
For example, “playfile 1 /assets/myasset/myfile.ts” will play myfile.ts, located in the myasset folder under the assets folder.
Files are considered a temporary insert, that is they play one time and then the iPump562 will return to the previous source.
Play list
A playlist is an .xml file that contains a list of files to play. Playlists are transferred to the iPump562 via Compel.
To play a playlist, in the terminal command box, type “playlist play 1 listname 1”. The listname will be the name only. The
path for playlists is fixed and no extension is included. The last “1” in the command means loop the playlist repeatedly, if the
“1” is omitted or a “0” is typed, the playlist will play only once.
For example: “playlist play 1 mylist 1” will play mylist repeatedly. “playlist play 1 mylist” will play mylist once.
To stop a playlist that is playing repeatedly, change the decoder source:
“decoff 1” will turn off the decoder and there will be no video/audio output.
“decfollowtune 1” will change to the satellite/RF input.
“decodelanip 1 8208” will change to the LAN/Ethernet multicast on IP address, port 8208.
Triggered playback
A file or playlist may be played in response to a trigger signal applied to the GPIO input line, pin 5 on the GPIO connector.
The trigger signal is sent by connecting pin 5 to ground (pin 9) for at least 100mS. The GPIO line should be disconnected
from ground after the trigger. This is normally done with a momentary switch.
The file or playlist must be queued up for playback before the trigger is applied.
To queue up a file for triggered playback, from the diagnostics interface, enter the following into the terminal command box:
“playfile 1 /assets/myasset/myfile.ts L”
To queue up a playlist for triggered playback, from the diagnostics interface, enter the following into the terminal command
“playlist play 1 mylist 0 L” for one time playback upon trigger.
“playlist play 1 mylist 1 L” for repeated playback upon trigger.
When the iPump562 receives the signal for triggered playback, it will first delay for the amount of time set in the “gpidelay”
variable, which defaults to 0 (no delay). This value may be viewed by typing “gpidelay” into the terminal command box. And it
may set by including a value (in mS).
For example: “gpidelay 5000” will set the delay for 5 seconds.
This delay may be necessary to achieve a reliable, precise playback point in time. This is because it may take some small
amount of time to load and start the decoder, especially in the case of a playlist which has multiple files listed. It is
recommended that 5 seconds delay (5000) be used for triggering a playlist of 4 files. If more than 4 files are in the list, the
delay value may need to be increased
Internet Mode
Placing a unit in internet mode means that the unit will not attempt to tune and will ignore tuner alarms.
To place the unit in internet mode issue the following commands:
“srchman tunerignore 1”
To revert to normal RF operation issue the commands:
“srchman tunerignore 0”