We Care Solar - Solar Suitcase Installation Guide - 2017
Page | 51
Teaching Tips
Teaching Preparation
Get the right people in the room
– all maternity staff, watchman, and staff
in charge of the facility
Pick a time that is convenient for them and set expectations about how
long it will take (approximately 45 minutes)
Be prepared
– set up the Solar Suitcase and appliances in advance
Don’t be afraid to ask people that are not volunteering to participate
Teaching Tips
– speak slowly and clearly – especially if you are speaking to
students in a language that is not their mother tongue. If you need to use
a translator it will take more time.
Your goal is students’ understanding; It is not a performance, but an
exchange. Encourage interaction and ask students to try out the system
and explain back to you what they understood.
Pause frequently and check in with students to see if they are following.
Review along the way
– before you switch to a new topic you might want
to repeat the key messages.
Reinforce reasons for learning.
Proper usage will extend the life of the Solar Suitcase.
Proper usage ensures that midwives will have light when it is most
Identify the key users
– usually the midwives and maternity nursing staff.
Encourage them to teach other users especially if turnover is high in
the clinic.
Use the checklist to test the understanding of key elements.