GRANUDOS Touch, control unit
Index: 02
Date modified: 11/06/2019
OI No.: BA SW 010-02 Granudos Touch-Steuereinheit EN SCHW 8.docx
Page 27 of 43
Main Menu
pH (phenolred)
Notice regarding the phenol red calibration
A two point calibration of the pH electrode overrules the last calibration pH with phenolred.
It should be noted that the measurement of the pH-Value with phenol red may have an error of +/- 0.1 - 0.2 pH.
In addition, the buffer solution is subject to an aging process and can thus additionally provide incorrect values!
Carry out the calibration according to the instructions.
Please observe the displayed notices and follow the menu navigation.
The set deviation is displayed as offset at the end of the menu. In case
of minor deviations, the calibration is adopted immediately.
For deviations greater than +/- 41mV a cleaning notice is given.
For deviations greater than +/- 61mV a change of the pH electrode
will be suggested. If the calibration is rejected with an error notice, the
device continues the regulation using the values from the most recent
successful calibration.
If the exchange of the electrode does not remedy the problem, the
fault may be with the electrode cable or the measuring amplifier.