GRANUDOS Touch, control unit
Index: 02
Date modified: 11/06/2019
OI No.: BA SW 010-02 Granudos Touch-Steuereinheit EN SCHW 8.docx
Page 22 of 43
Main menu
Delay Booster pump
This function is active when the GRANUDOS is being controlled
externally. This allows the booster pump to be started with a set delay
time e.g. after the swimming pool filter has been rinsed. This ensures
that there is no more air in the pipe that could cause troubles at the
GRANUDOS after restart.
Main Menu
Dosing performance chlorine default – fit in dosing components
These settings can only be implemented in user level 2. The values set
here depend on the type of dosing device. The values are preset in the
factory and are used as the basis for determining the dosing quantities
and reserve display.
These values must only be changed if the appropriate components have been installed
in the dosing device. Otherwise, the dosing quantities will be determined incorrectly!
Main Menu
Dosing performance acid default – fit in dosing components
These settings can only be implemented in user level 2. The values set
here depend on the type of dosing device. The values are preset in the
factory and are used as the basis for determining the dosing quantities.
If an
external acid pump is used
, "external" must be ticked here and
the dosing performance of the external pump entered.
It is important that the correct dosing performance is entered since otherwise the
dosing device will not function correctly!
Main Menu
Input test
A test programme for switch inputs (electrical signals).
Output test
A test programme for pumps and relay outputs.
Operation hour counter
Counts the operating hours for booster pump, acid dosing
motor, chlorine dosing motor and dust extraction flushing.
Consumption counter
Counts chemical consumption.
Maintenance interval
Sets time interval for maintenance message
For querying the firmware versions.