Chapter 5: Configuring the Remote Control Client
Chapter 5: Configuring the Remote Control Client
The Remote Control Client is configured from the Avalanche Console. After the package is
added to a software profile, use the configuration tools in the package to modify the Remote
Control Client or connect to the Remote Control Console. For information on launching the
Remote Control Console from the package, see
Using the Remote Control Console
on page 11.
The package can also be configured so that the Client can be configured from the device after
it is installed. If the device user configures the Client, the user at the Avalanche Console still
has the option to clear the settings.
Certain Remote Control settings can also be configured from an Avalanche mobile device
profile. When you configure Remote Control settings using a mobile device profile, the profile
settings will override other Remote Control settings.
This section provides information on the following topics:
Editing the Remote Control Package
Configuring Client Settings from the Mobile Device
Clearing Client Settings
Using a Mobile Device Profile for Remote Control Settings
Editing the Remote Control Package
Once the Remote Control server is installed and the package added to a software profile, you
can configure the Remote Control Client with the server address, connection method, the
logging level, and other client options.
The following options are available when configuring the Remote Control package:
Connection Type
Select to use either TCP/IP or ActiveSync to connect to mobile devices.
Server ID
The ID for the server. This only needs to be modified if there are
multiple Remote Control Servers.
Server Address
The DNS name or IP address of the Remote Control Server.
Server Port
The port the Remote Control Server listens on.