Watson Industries, Inc.
SPS-P230 Rev A 10/17/2017
Servo System Pinout
The Servo System has one connector:
Power Return
+28 Volt Power
RS-422 TX+
RS-422 TX-
Signal Ground (connected internally to Power Return)
RS-422 RX-
RS-422 RX+
Case Ground
RS-232 Input Commands
The RS-232 input commands are provided for the purpose of unit test and installation set-up.
These input commands use the same communication parameters that the output data uses (9600
baud ASCII nominal, or as reset in the units EEPROM). There are some commands intended for
the user while others are used at the factory for alignment and calibration.
An exclamation point “!” will reinitialize the unit just as re-powering the unit would. Furthermore,
the access to initialization is inhibited such that a spacebar command must be sent within 2.5
seconds of the “!” command for initialization to be engaged.
There are several interface commands: “:” will toggle the output to send a frame of data upon
receiving any non-command character and “+” will toggle the output for no output data. These
and other changes are made non-volatile (default) in the unit on EEPROM by keying in the quote
(“) character. Double spacebar at initialization is required for access to these commands.
Note that the “:” setting will cause the mechanical brake to be engaged between frames. This is not
intended to be an operational mode.
The “&” command calls a menu which allows any of several parameters to be set. These are the
system time constant, joystick/axis parameters, selection of data channels for serial output, listing
current serial channels and baud rate. Double spacebar at initialization is required for access to this
command. See Appendix B for more information.
The commands “~”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “(“, “)”, “{“, “}”, “|”, “<”, “>” and “?” are used by the Watson
factory to calibrate the unit and should be used only with the assistance of the factory. If an
undesired function is called, a “Q”, and sometimes the Escape or Delete key will interrupt the
command and return to operation with the least disturbance to the system. All other unspecified
characters such as carriage return, line feed and space are ignored by the system.
Transmit from SPS-P230
Receive to Joystick Controller