Waters Network Systems
2800M/MR User’s Manual
Page 38
Port Status
The port status function gathers the current status for all ports. The information is displayed by
the order of port number, link status, port state, auto-negotiation status, speed/duplex and flow
control. If a fiber module is installed in one or both of the slots, the current status for those ports
will be displayed. See Figure 5.10
Figure 5.10 – Current Port Status
Function name:
Port Status
Function Description:
Port status reports the current status of all ports in the switch. The screen will be automatically
refreshed approximately every five seconds as port parameters change.
Parameter Description:
Slot No.:
Displays the port number. The number is 1 – 3.
Port No.:
Displays the port number. The number is 1 -26. Both Port 25 and 26 are optional modules.
Shows the media type used in all ports. Ports 25-26 are optional modules, which support either
fiber or UTP media with either Gigabit Ethernet or Fast Ethernet. They may have different
media types and speed. Since the fiber port could be multimode or singlemode, the information
will be based on the actual media installed in the switch with reference to connector, distance,
fiber mode, etc.