Product Overview
Plumbing and Components—Overview
1 Foam concentrate supply tank
This contains the on-board foam concentrate supply.
2 Concentrate-source valve
This controls the concentrate supply source—on-board or off-board.
3 Concentrate strainer
This collects debris that would otherwise flow through the system.
4 Hydraulic concentrate pump
This circulates the foam concentrate through the system.
5 Pressure sensor
This monitors the pressure in the concentrate line.
6 Pressure relief valve
This opens when the pressure in the line reaches a predetermined set-point.
7 Supply tank fill valve
This controls the flow of concentrate when filling the supply tank.
8 Supply tank fill line
This allows you to fill the on-board tank from an external source.
9 Low-flow bypass valve
This balances the concentrate lines when the flow is lower then the minimum concentrate pump flow specification.
10 Low-flow bypass line
This controls the flow of concentrate.
11 Priming valve
This opens to allow air to evacuate the line before operation.
12 Priming line
This evacuates air from the line as the system primes before operation.
13 Transfer line
This allows you to transfer concentrate from the apparatus to another off-board location.
14 DLA line—1 inch
This is a DLA with 1 inch plumbing.
15 DLA line—2 inches
This is a DLA with 2 inch plumbing.
16 Fire pump
This circulates water though the system.
17 Discharge valve
This opens and closes an individual clear-water line.
18 Clear-water line
This is the plumbing for the clear-water line.
19 Flowmeter—Paddlewheel
This measure the flow of water in the clear-water line.
20 Water pump pressure sensor
The pressure sensor measures the pressure in the water pump discharge.