Inspection & Maintenance Guide
To maintain optimum safe performance and long working life of your Wasp “F” Series Kart, it is recommended that the following
simple checks and maintenance are made whenever the Kart is used. Work in a clean safe environment. It is good practice to
produce a check list (or log) to prevent any part or area of the kart being neglected, Some areas will require more frequent
attention than others, This does alter with the many varied conditions, type of usage and duration of usage. Your log and
maintenance should be customised to your situation without neglecting any part. The kart should be inspected daily or if
necessary more frequently by a suitably trained or experienced person. Any maintenance on, or refuelling of the kart must only
be carried out with the engine turned off, with out a driver in the kart.
Check and tighten all kart fixings (nuts bolts, clips, pins etc.) with particular attention to steering components
and joints. Brake component fixings , front and rear wheel hub nuts. Security of axle, wheels, hub, axle keys and carriers.
(Use the correct fixings and never re use locnuts)
Check for effective operation, good overall condition and correctly adjusted. For the replacement of pads,
pistons, etc. The most efficient method is to remove the whole brake calliper from the frame and carry out the work on a
bench in a clean environment . Pad wear is compensated for, by slackening off the two M10 Nyloc nuts and adjusting the
aluminium adjuster pillars and re-locking the M10 nyloc nuts. As this will mean bringing the calliper halves closer
together, the outer cable adjuster on the chassis will have to be used to remove the slack between the inner and outer
cables. After prolonged use the pad return movement may become sluggish, it will then be necessary to remove the pad,
clean the backing plate and the area behind, remove the pistons from their bores, clean both and re-lubricate with High
Melting Point graphite grease. Re-assemble and adjust, as above. When fitting replacement pads, DO NOT USE HARD
PADS, standard pads are fitted originally. When ordering pads specify they are for a mechanical brake unit. Replace the
brake cable if it becomes frayed, ensure it is kept clean and lubricate it with a light oil if a White PTFE liner is not used.
Maintenance and preparation are of paramount importance as off road equipment is subject to the maximum of stress. Any
suspicion of malfunction should be treated as serious especially as this is the only brake you have on the kart. If in doubt
do not operate the kart, seek expert advice.
Check all cables run freely, with excess play taken out either by using the adjusters or by moving the cable
nipples. Check the return springs are working effectively and are free from obstruction. (Lubricate if necessary) Replace
frayed or damaged cables where necessary.
Check for effective and free operation, Investigate any heavy steering (clean and lubricate the moving parts
or if damaged or worn, replace ) Check the security of all the parts in the steering train. Thoroughly inspect all parts in the
train from steering wheel to ground wheel, for bent, worn, fatigued or damaged parts and replace where necessary.
Replace bent or damaged rims, damaged valves, missing hub caps, cut or worn tyres check
security of fixings and tyre pressures are equal. Wheel and axle bearings rotate freely without play. With Optional none
keyed, single bolt fix wheels, check for security of the mounting bolt and evidence of any play and replace loose or worn
fixings, if there is any play in the axle ends the axle must be replaced.) For security the circlip at the end of the axle must
be in place.
Read the manual supplied with the engine. Increasing the oil and air filter maintenance especially in dusty
environments is recommended. Use only the fuel and oil grades recommended. Do not mix fuels or introduce additives
unless specified by the engine manufacturer.
When the kart is not in use turn off the fuel, and store the kart in a dry well ventilated, secure area. For long term
storage the fuel may be drained, or the engine run with the tap turned off, to prevent stale fuel causing sludge in the
carburettor. If in doubt contact the engine manufacturer. Take the greatest of care when refuelling so as not to spill fuel.
The engine should be turned off and allowed to cool before refuelling. Refuel in a well ventilated area. Take great care to
make sure the fuel cap has been correctly and securely replaced, and not on at an angle. Check the cap and seal are in good
condition. In the event of the kart being placed at an adverse angle for whatever reason if the fuel is not turned off there is
a risk of flooding in the engine, if this occurs do not attempt to immediately start the engine.
In essence if there is any
risk of flooding, excess fuel or spilt fuel there is a high risk of fire.
Check for security (Do not over tighten fibreglass) check for damage and cracking especially around the
mountings. Replace if damaged.
Check for overall good condition including stub axles steering parts, brake rod and pedals. Touch up paint
where chipped or scratched check for fatigue especially around welded joints and areas of high stress. Do not use the kart
if you are unsure, seek expert advice.