Instructions condensing Air heaters type HR version HR-GB-4001-a
6.3 Start through the display in the heater
The manual test mode trough the display in the heater will only work for maximum 10 minutes.
1. Hold the OK button for 5 seconds until the display shows intermediate 0.0 00 .
2. Pres the OK button 2 X , the display will show intermittent . 0.2 – 00.
3. Change the burner mode with the + and – button.
0 = Normal situation, test mode is OFF
1 = Brander fan to max rpm, the heater does NOT start
2 = Test mode MIN power
3 = Test mode medium power
4 = Test mode MAX power
5 = Test mode MAX power
4. Press 2 times on Return to go back to the status screen
5. When the service mode is active
The display will show St – 04 when for example max power is selected.
By pressing the + and – button, the test mode can be changed. Confirm the
setting by pressing OK.
6. To exit the test mode, set the value to 0 and conform with OK.
7. After exit the system fan will always perform a post purge.
8. After 10 minutes the test mode will automatically end.
Adjusting the gas-control
In principle, it is
necessary to adjust the gas control after putting the unit into operation.
In case it needs to be adjusted, (e.g. after
fitting a new one), this must be done only by
a qualified person.
Only use calibrated
instruments !
A poor adjustment can lead
to overheating and / or production of the
poisonous carbon monoxide !.
There are two screws to adjust the gas
control, the Offset adjuster and the Ratio
The Offset adjuster is used in Low fire. The Ratio adjuster is used in High fire.
Put the heater into operation at high fire through the display in the heater, Mode 4.
If the heater does not ignite while sparking, you can, if necessary, close the air-openings of the
coloured ring on the gas-air mixer with thumb and forefinger during ignition. The mixture will
become richer and will ignite more easily.
Look for the correct CO
values in the table with technical data.
Readjust the CO
when the deviation is more then 0,3%
Check the CO
in High fire (mode 4)
Decrease CO
turn the Ratio adjuster to the right (less gas).
Increase the CO
turn the Ratio adjuster to the left (more gas).
Offset adj.
Ratio adj.
P out
P offset
P in