Instructions condensing Air heaters type HR version HR-GB-4001-a
4.6.1 Installation from the flue system parts
These basic instructions are for the flue material that go with this heater.
Elements system ALU FIX thick wall
Distance to conbustionable materials around the flue parts minimal 40mm.
Use the brackets that go with the flue system.
Different manufacturers have different connections systems from the flue pipes. It is not
allowed to combine systems from different manufacturers
The female sockets should have an depth of minimal 40 mm.
Install without mechanical force on the parts.
Inclination towards the appliance of 3 degrees (50 mm per meter) to allow the condensate to flow
to the heater.
If the flue parts need to be cut, Clean and round the edges. Sharp edges will damage the seal.
Follow the instructions from the manufacturer when the connections need to be fixed.
Do not drill or screw in the parts.!
Do not try to seal with kit, foam or tape.
Lubricate the connections only with allowed lubricant from the manufacturer. Maximum 1% of
soap or water is allowed.
ATENTION! Do not use grease, Vaseline or oil
Fix every elbow on or near the socket.
Exception when connecting the appliance: when the flue pipes before and after the elbow
are shorter than 0.25m, then the 2nd element after the elbow needs to be fixed with a
Horizontal and non-vertical flue pipes:
Maximum distance between brackets 1 m.
On tensile joints, (following the manufacturer’s instructions) Maximum distance between
brackets 2 m.
The distance between the brackets should be spread out equally.
Vertical piping:
Maximum distance between brackets 2 m.
The distance between the brackets should be spread out equally.
Inside a shaft:
Check the components on possible damages or blockage..
Check that the pipe is under the right inclination.
Mark the flue pipes and fresh air pipes to avoid a mistake.
Check that the pipes extend minimum 50mm when going through a wall or other obstacle.
Fix the last element before entering the shaft. If this is an elbow, also the 2nd element
may be fixed.
ATENTION, every system needs to have at least 1 bracket. The first bracket needs to be within
the first 0,5m from the appliance..