5.2.2 Mail Service Setting
Figure 22 example of mail settings
The device will send alarm email to you. You only need to fill out the blanks with your
email address as shown in Figure 22. After the setting, please click save and test to
check if it works properly.
5.2.3 FTP Service Setting
Figure 23 FTP set sample
When alarming, device will snap and send the image to FTP server, please make sure
the FTP setting is correct. Above Figure 23 of FTP setting for your reference, the setting
is finished.
After correct setting FTP server, you can use “upload Picture On Schedule” function.
Even no alarm, device can also send the snap image to FTP periodically.
In order to use FTP function, user should apply username and password on the FTP
server first. And please apply some storage and the authority to write and create
sub-category into it.