Graphics Selection:
You can set the following parameters for each sensor:
Activate/deactivate Sensor
(Checkbox selected/deselected)
Sensor Color:
Enter the desired sensor color, or use the color
selector to choose.
Show extreme values:
If a zoom level is selected in the graph in
which a display point represents a measuring interval and not
an individual measuring point, this function is used to display
the maximum and minimum measured in this interval. If the
zoom level is selected such that every measured value is
displayed, this function has no effect. If the function is
deactivated, the average value of the displayed interval is
Scale 1 2 ... x:
For multi-channel devices you can show mul-
tiple Y-axes at the same time in the graph. These can be for
example different temperature areas or measurands. Specify
here which scale you want to assign the respective sensor to.
For single-channel devices of course only one scale is available.