5 Torque support
It should be ensured that there is no torque acting on the parking arms on the side of the tool.
WALTHER-PRÄZISION provides several types of torque support for this purpose:
Example of welded design:
No tool sides must be stored in the tool
parking station if no torque support
is available.
If this is not observed, serious consequential
damages may be the result.
All suitable types of torque
support are permitted.
The torque support is mounted by the customer
on site and then adapted to the construction
(observe clearance of 50 mm, see drawing).
WALTHER-PRÄZISION assumes no guarantee
and accepts no liability in cases of negligent acts
resulting in damage or injury.
The torque support should be affixed at a suitable location depending on the type of parking arm (pin bushing, bolt-bar
guide) and also on the type of tool parking (horizontal, vertical).
To do so, the customer determines the position, depending on the structure, where the torque support supports the tool
such that the coupling plane of the tool side of the changing system is aligned vertically or horizontally.
Correct function of the torque support should be frequently monitored and, if necessary, restored by e.g. replacing a
worn roller.
The procedure for the various kinds of parking is illustrated using the following examples:
Standard, roller
can be amended
by the customer
Standard, bolt and bush
Part of the
customer structure of the tool