Assembly Instructions
Walker Mowers are shipped partially assembled to
our distribution network, and are typically assem-
bled by the selling dealer. For any additional as-
sembly besides the following, contact your Walker
Tire Installation (Tractor)
● Install the drive tires using the eight (8) lug
bolts that are supplied with the Owner’s Packet of
materials. Bolts are torqued to 75 to 85 lb
ft (102
to 115 N
m). Drive tires are 18 x 9.50-8, 4-ply;
rear tires are 13 x 5.00-6, 4-ply.
● Check and adjust the inflation of the tires.
The tire inflation recommendations are:
15 PSI (103 kPa)
20 PSI (137 kPa)
Battery Service
Important Battery Service, Installation, and
Charging Tips:
Do not allow the battery cables to touch
opposing terminals. When connecting bat-
tery cables attach the positive (+) cable to
positive (+) battery terminal first, followed
by negative (-) cable to negative (-) battery
Never start the engine when the cables
are loose or poorly connected to the bat-
tery terminals.
Never disconnect battery while engine
is running.
Never use a quick battery charger to
start the engine.
Raise front mower body up for battery access (refer
Front Body Latch Release
Operating Instruc
). Check the battery for electrolyte level and
charge. The electrolyte level should be at the bot-
tom of the vent wells [1/4 to 1/2 in. (6 to 13 mm)
above plates]. If the specific gravity is less than
1.225, the battery needs charging. If the battery has
been shipped dry, or is wet but needs service, refer
to the following instructions.
Make sure battery is securely mount-
ed in the frame. A loose battery may cause damage
to the case resulting in acid leakage and severe
damage to the machine. A hazard may be created
by damage to critical working parts and safety sys-
Wet Battery Service
If the battery has been shipped wet, but the electro-
lyte level is low or the battery needs to be charged
1. Fill each battery cell with distilled water to the
bottom of the vent wells.
2. Charge battery. Refer to
Battery Charging
this section.
Dry Battery Service
Activating a battery can be dangerous.
The battery should be taken to a reliable
service station, battery store, or power
equipment dealer where a trained techni-
cian can activate the battery safely. DO
NOT attempt to activate the battery unless
you are experienced in battery service
work. The following activation and charg-
ing instructions are provided for use by a
trained battery technician.
Battery electrolyte is a poisonous and cor-
rosive sulfuric acid solution.
Avoid spillage and contact with skin,
eyes, and clothing - causes severe burns.
To prevent accidents, wear safety gog-
gles and rubber gloves when working with
Neutralize acid spills with baking soda
and water solution.