The filter types have the following display designations:
When some of the above types are selected, an extra parameter appears on the
Filter 1 / 2
page. Exactly what this parameter is for depends on the type of filter selected. The extra
parameter is therefore described together with every new filter type.
Modulation of the "Extra" Parameter
The "extra" parameter of the filter types described below may be selected in the modulation
matrix and is designated as
F1 Extra. (An abbreviation of "Filter 1 Extra Parameter")
Do not mistake "FM Amount" for filter FM amount. The filter FM amount is the
F1 Extra modulation destination whenever the FM-filter is selected on the Filter 1 / 1
page. The
FM Amount destination in the modulation matrix is for oscillator FM.
24db Low Pass and 12dB Low Pass
The low pass types
24dB LP and 12dB LP are suitable for the most usual applications. Use
the 24dB slope if you want to create sounds with a typical audible filtered character, use
the 12dB slope if you want to get softer results.
24db Band Pass and 12dB Band Pass
The band pass filters
24dB BP and 12dB BP remove frequencies both below and above the
cutoff point. As a result, the sound character gets narrow. Use these filter types for
programming effect and percussion-like sounds.
12db High Pass
The high pass filter
12dB HP is useful to thin out a sound’s bass frequencies. This may give
interesting results also in conjunction with cutoff frequency modulation. By doing this you
can e.g. "fly-in" a sound starting at its high harmonics and then coming up to its full
frequency range.
Sine Waveshaper with 12dB Low Pass
Sin(x)>LP Type consists of a sine waveshaper followed by a 12dB low pass filter with
resonance. The sine waveshaper usually adds some harmonics and intermodulation
frequencies to the signal.
Filter Type
24dB LP
24dB low pass
12dB LP
12dB low pass
24dB BP
24dB band pass
12dB BP
12dB band pass
12dB HP
12dB high pass
Sine waveshaper followed by a 12dB low pass
12dB low-pass filter with wave shaper
Dual L/BP
Parallel 12dB lowpass/bandpass filters
12dB low-pass filter with frequency modulation
Sample-and-hold in front of 12dB low-pass filter
24dB notch filter
12dB notch filter
Band Stop
Parallel 12dB low and high pass
User’s Manual MicroWave II • MicroWave XT • XTk