5. Functions
This chapter contains an overview of the
module functions.
5.1 Wireless telegrams
The wireless module communicates with
external transmitters and receivers via wire-
less telegrams to the EnOcean standard.
Every wireless telegram is identified by
a code which refers to its respective
EnOcean Equipment Profile (EEP). The
specifications of an EEP can be viewed
in the EnOcean Alliance EEP viewer, see
h t t p : / / t o o l s . e n o c e a n - a l l i a n c e . o r g /
5.2 Teaching/unteaching an
external transmitter
This function is used to teach an external
transmitter. External transmitters can be:
Standard EnOcean switches e.g.
EnOcean gateway
The list of compatible EnOcean gate-
ways is being extended continually.
Visit our website for more information.
This function is also used to unteach a
taught transmitter in the same way.
5.3 Saving device list
Action by the user is not required.
The device list contains all the taught exter-
nal transmitters. The device list is automati-
cally saved in the controller of the product
into which the wireless module has been
When the product is switched on again
after an interruption to the power supply,
the wireless module reads the device list
out of the controller.
5.4 Deleting device list
This function is used to unteach all external
transmitters, see section “Unteaching all
wireless transmitters”, page 28.
5.5 Operation via an external
Operation via EnOcean switches
The luminaire with installed wireless mod-
ule can be switched on, switched off and
dimmed via a taught, external EnOcean
The wireless module supports the follow-
ing RPS telegrams:
EEP: F6-02-01, F6-03-01