[3] Spot temperature measurement:
White crosshair
[4] Selected spot temperature:
Yellow crosshair
[5] Emissivity:
Indicates Imagers emissivity setting.
[6] Minimum temperature:
Indicates minimum value of the palette.
[7] Palette:
Palette bar. User can choose from 4 palettes.
[8] Maximum temperature:
Indicates maximum value of the palette.
Battery status:
Indicates the current battery status.
[10] [11] Result:
Indicates the value of the temperature of the target
object. Yellow denotes the value of the temperature of
the selected object for editing.
[12] Temperature unit:
Three options: °C, °F or K.
[13] External lens symbol:
Displays “0.5x” for wide-angle or “2x” for
telephoto lens.
[14] SD card symbol:
Displays “SD” when SD card is installed.
[15] Digital zoom symbol: Displays
“X2” when digital zoom is activated.
NOTE: Not all models have all functions, so the working status
screen may not show all features.
Main menu
[1] Main menu:
Displays four options: Measurement, Level/Span, Setup,
and File.
[2] Low-level menu:
indicates a low-level menu is available,