12. Control paths
Please refer to chart 00366569 on page 27 for the required control paths.
A brief description hereto:
Position: "Head closed (max.)":
The connecting rod is in its foremost position; the cutting head is completely closed.
Another operation in dirZ isn’t possible.
Position: "Head closed (min.)":
Up to this position the connecting rod can be retracted for adjusting the diameter.
However, this isn’t a permanent position. Please be notified not to use up more than
8 mm of the axial lift to guarantee sufficient support of the chaser holders.
Position: "Head opened":
During this position the cutting head is opened which allows the chasers to lift from
the workpiece.
This is a permanent position which has to be always approached by the connecting
rod immediately after the thread is cut.
Position: "Holder replacement":
This position is just approached to replace the chaser holders.
The cutting head shouldn’t rotate during that operation.
Operating Manual ZR 26-I
Control paths