In special cases for instance steels with low strength (e.g. elastic limit 37) stainless
steel, copper or aluminium it might be better not to grind the chip surface as a plain
area but to grind a radius. This radius the so-called undercut enables the discharge
of chips here.
The choice of the grinding angle
The grinding angle is in a certain ratio to the thread profile and equals the support
angle, the infeed chamfer and the cutting angle insofar that the cutter is running pa-
rallel to the axis of the workpiece. Thus a perfect thread profile can be cut.
The grinding angle consists of the support angle and an additional angle.
Grinding angle = holder angle + supplementary angle
The chasers with short and extra short infeed are delivered with a standard
grinding angle of 7°. The chasers with medium and long infeed are delivered
with a grinding angle of 5°.
The following table provides you with information on the additional angle for sharp
threads with normal infeeds. It applies for the most common cutting angles from 20°
to 25°:
Cutting angle
Supplementary angle for
long throat
medium throat
short throat
In order to calculate the additional angle for other cutting angles and special first cuts
the following alignment chart applies: (Figure 8)
All you have to do is to read off the first cut or the correspondent first cut angle on
the right scale. Then draw a line covering the corresponding cutting angle from the
middle scale to the left scale. There you can read off the additional angle.
The choice of the grinding angle:
In special cases where cylindrical threads are cut without a guiding presser foot there
is no additional angle.
Therefore the
grinding angle = holder angle
When cutting conical threads to the width of chasers which is done without a guiding
presser foot an additional angle is needed, too. It is necessary to equal the tapering
of the chaser in order to bring the cutting edge in a parallel position to the axis of the
workpiece. This additional angle amounts to 1° on a thread with a cone 1:16.
Checking of the grinding angle with the setting device
Table 2:
Supplementary angle
Figure 8:
Alignment chart for deter-
mining the supplementary
Operating Manual ZR 26-I