Settings for 1920x1080 w/Pulldown Removal (24p) Recording
Input Source
HDSDI Video Format
Component Video Input
Component Video Output
Input Color Bit Depth
10-Bit YCbCr
Encoder Quality
Record Type
Final Framerate
Pull Down Removal
Once you have selected to edit an existing preset, or to create a new one, the Edit Preset window will display.
Recorder tab
Within the recorder tab you may select to record .AVI or .MOV files. The wrapper format should be determined
by your workflow. However, most video editing tools understand both wrapper formats. When you take the files
onto a computer you will need to have a CineForm Intermediate decoder installed on that system. The decoders
are available for free from www.wafian.com/Support.htm.
You can also specify name rules for the clips that you will record as well as their location. Clip filenames are
automatically built from a name rule. The default name rule will create clips named Scene-1-Take-###.mov in
the Scene-1 folder under the Media Path. Users may specify their own recording path, and create their own
name rules using the following guidelines.
Name Rules
Name rules are a flexible and powerful way for the HR-F1 to create unique clip names without constant user
When starting to record, the HR-F1 creates the clip name from the text in the Name Rule field and replaces
variables (text enclosed in curly brackets, {variable}) with their current value. Variables allow you to provide
meaningful clip names, specify sub-directories, and uniquely identify clips. If a clip name is not unique, the HR-F1
will increment the right most numeric field or append "-001" to the end of the name.
Name rules can specify sub-directories within the media directory for clips by naming the directory followed by
the backslash (\) character. The sub-directory will automatically be created if it does not exist.
You can use the following variable names with the HR-F1:
{date} - The current system date (YYYY-MM-DD)
{datetime} - The current system date and time (YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS)
{extension} - AVI
{scene} - The value of the Scene field
{serialnumber} - This unit's serial number
{take} - The value of the Take field
{time} - The current system time (HH-MM-SS)
{recordertakenumber} – The number of times this particular recorder has started recording