Trigger Lock
Always engage the trigger lock when you
stop spraying to prevent the gun from being
accidentally triggered by hand or if dropped
or bumped.
4. Engage trigger lock.
Pressure Relief Procedure
Follow this
Pressure Relief Procedure
each time you stop spraying and before cleaning, checking,
servicing, or transporting equipment.
1. Turn off the power and disconnect the power cord.
3. Hold the gun firmly against the side of
the bucket.
2. Turn the supply valve to the flow position
to relieve pressure.
WABRO sc ul. Arki Boÿek 2A, 41-910 Bytom
NIP: PL6263032331 | Regon: 381911373
Machine Translated by Google
WABRO sc ul. Arki Bożka 2A, 41-910 Bytom
NIP: PL6263032331 | Regon: 381911373