E P 1 P R I V A C Y C H A R G I N G C A S E P R O D U C T M A N U A L |
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3.2 Sending Your First Encrypted
Text Message
1. Tap the Contacts icon from the bottom left corner of your screen
to begin a new message.
2. The Select Contacts screen will appear. Swipe in a downward
motion on the screen to load your contacts.
3. A message that says “Confirm Remote Sync. Your iOS address
book will now be synchronized with the Vysk Private Text server.
Do you want to continue?” will appear. Tap Cancel or OK
to continue.
4. Choose from the list of Vysk contacts from your list.
5. Tap the Message icon in the top right corner of the screen to
begin composing a message.
Messages sent over the Vysk Privacy Network to another
Vysk user are encrypted end-to-end – meaning both sides of your
conversation are protected.
4. Using the keypad, type a message to your contact and press the
Send icon in the corner to send. Congratulations! You’ve sent
your first secure Vysk Private Text message.
3.3 How to Add an Attachment
The Vysk Private Text app can send video or photo attachments
with encrypted text messages.
To add an attachment, open a conversation or create a new one
by doing the following:
• Tap the Address book icon, select a recipient, and tap the
compose message icon
• Tap an existing conversation from the home screen
• Tap the Camera icon in the lower left-hand corner. Choose
an attachment type from the following:
• Take a picture or video with your phone’s camera
• Choose a photo from the Photo library
• Tap Dismiss to cancel the attachment
• Tap the Send icon to send the attachment via text message.
3. Vysk Private Text App