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VubIQ, Inc.
+1-949-226-7185 [email protected]
9231 Irvine Blvd, Irvine, California 92618 USA
Reference Oscillator Source Options
The transmit and receive boards come with built-in low phase noise crystal oscillators that provide the clock
reference frequency for the TX/RX synthesizers. The frequency of the on-board oscillator is 308.571 MHz (540
MHz channel spacing) and has a stability rating over temperature of 25 ppm. There may be certain system level
applications that require the transmitter and/or receiver to be phase locked to an external source. Also, if
500 MHz channel spacing is desired, the external reference clock must be 285.714 MHz. The TX/RX RF boards
are set up to provide the following options for oscillator reference source:
1. Internal, separate crystal oscillators (default)
2. External 308.571 MHz or 285.714 MHz signal source such as a laboratory signal generator (0 dBm typcal
3. Transmitter sourcing the receiver (TX master/RX slave) from the TX on board oscillator
The optional reference oscillator settings are implemented via zero-ohm resistor (or wire jumper) modifications
on the TX and RX RF boards as required. The schematics and pictures on the following pages are provided to
illustrate the modifications for the desired settings (Figures 7 through 10).
signal level).