Cable Assembly (continued)
8. Mount the camera to the LCD monitor using the
camera mounting bracket.
9. Connect the S-Video cable to the camera and to the PC
10. Connect the VGA control cable (camera motion) to the camera
and to the PC
11. Connect the external power supply
12. Connect wireless charger/receiver to blue audio input
13. Connect IR transmitter to front (lower left side) of HDTV panel
using the VELCRO strips. Note: the VELCRO strip is
already on HDTV lower left front.
14. Connect the wired microphone(s) to pink input (if not using
wireless microphones).
11. Camera power
10. Camera control cable
9. S-Video cable
12. Wireless microphone
charger/receiver (shown
charging microphone)
Connect into blue PC input
13. IR Transmitter
This controls HDTV
Mode switching
(any USB port)
The IPanel uses either all
wireless OR all wired
microphones…not a
combination of the two.
14. Wired microphone to
pink PC input