ZZ001203 - ZZ001204
Page 11 of 13
Operating Instructions
Cleaning the Output Optical Sensor
The Output Sensor is an optical device that looks across the degauss chute to detect
the media when it exits the unit. If the media is dusty or the unit is used in a dusty
environment the sensor can become contaminated and not see the media. This will
result in the unit exhibiting a fault and the message ‘EJECT ERROR SENSOR 1
JAMMED’ being displayed on the LCD.
The sensor is recessed 5mm (0.2”) so a small brush will be required to clean it. A
tooth brush is an ideal for this purpose. Press the brush over the hole so some of the
bristles go through the hole shown above and clean the sensor. The other half of the
sensor is on the side of the chute directly opposite the one shown in the Photograph
above and should be cleaned in the same way.
Cleaning the Degauss Chute
Media and hard drives that are dusty should be brushed off to remove loose dust and
dirt before they are inserted into the Datagone.
If the degauss chute becomes very dirty the drives may become stuck and not
release after the degausser has fired. Under these circumstances the chute should
be cleaned.
Note: Before cleaning takes place the unit must be unplugged from the
mains supply
The chute should be cleaned using a soft cloth or paper hand towel. If the dirt is
sticky then a small amount of a cleaning agent such as Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) can
be used on the cloth or paper towel. A brush with a long handle can be used to clean
the chute but care must be taken not to damage the plastic gate inside the chute that
stops the Hard Drive.