© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-SPRO-EN | Revision: 1901 | Date: 04-07-2019
For scaling purposes, the zero and span matching 4 and 20mA can be modified. This will not effect
the original measurement range. The zero and span are only used to increase or narrow the
resolution. For bi-directional measurement, the zero value needs to be set negative. See below table
for factory defaults.
Idle output
Single direction
0% flow range
100% flow range
4 mA
Bi directional
-100% flow range
100% flow range
12 mA
Configuration with VPStudio
VPStudio can be used to configure the 4 .. 20 mA settings. Use the select box to choose the
preferred unit that will be assigned to the output. Set zero and span to the preferred values.
Changing to volumetric units, the programmed diameter is calculated in the settings. So change the
diameter first, then the analogue settings. VPStudio provides feedback while you are changing the
settings. Use “set default” to go back to the factory default.
4 .. 20 mA output
Single direction
Bi directional
0% | 100% flow
-100% | 100% flow
Electrical scheme:
The current meter is placed in between the current output and the power supply ground. You can
also use a digital multimeter to test the current output.