Cleaning the exchanger
Open the panel and remove the exchanger (fig.45, 46)
Do not use water to clean the recovery unit. You may clean the back of the recovery unit with a vacuum-cleaner,
however, after first removing it as shown in the figure.
Repairing the chiller circuit
The system must be charged with nitrogen using a gas cylinder equipped with a reduction valve, to a pressure of
approximately 15 bar.
Any leaks must be located with a leak detector. The appearance of bubbles or foam indicates the presence of localised
leaks. In this case, discharge the circuit before welding with suitable alloys.
Never use oxygen in place of nitrogen: high risk of explosion.
Chiller circuits operating with refrigerant gas require particular attention during assembly and maintenance in order to
protect them against operating faults.
It is therefore necessary to:
Avoid topping up with fluid other than the specified fluid with which the compressor is pre-charged.
For machines that use R134A or R410A, if there are gas leaks of sufficient extent to discharge the circuit even partially, do
not top up the remaining fluid, but drain the machine completely, collect the refrigerant for subsequent disposal and after
creating a vacuum, recharge with the specified quantity.
In the event of replacement of any part of the chiller circuit, do not leave the circuit open for more than 15 minutes.
In particular, if replacing the compressor, complete installation within the 15 minutes specified above, after first removing
the rubber caps.
In the event of replacement of the compressor, you are advised to flush the chiller circuit with suitable products, and also
fit an acid filter for a certain period of time.
Do not power up the compressor in vacuum conditions; do not compress air inside the compressor.
MOD 260
MOD 500