Determining the Proper Trim
The boat is properly trimmed when the trim angle pro-
vides the best boat performance and safety for the
operating conditions. The boat ride should be comfort-
able for the passengers and the engine should be run-
ning at top fuel efficiency and performance.
To familiarize yourself with the power trim, make test
runs at slower speeds and at various trim positions to
see the effect of trimming. Note the time it takes for the
boat to plane. Watch the tachometer and speedometer
readings and the ride of the boat.
Possible loss of boat control. Some boat/drive/propel-
ler combinations may encounter boat instability and
high steering torque when operated near the limits of
the trim system (trim in or out). This is worsened with
speed and changing sea conditions. Avoid excessive
trim in or out. If you experience boat instability or high
steering torque set the trim to neutral and return to port
at reduced speed. See your Volvo Penta dealer to cor-
rect the situation.
Trim Operation during Takeoff
Trim is used to get the boat on plane when taking off
from a stand-still or from low speed.
Start with the drive trimmed in to a neutral to fully trim-
med-in position.
Locate passengers and equipment in the boat so that
the load is balanced fore and aft, and side to side.
Trimming will not overcome an unbalanced boat.
As the boat accelerates, trim the drive up until the boat
“pops” on to plane.
After the boat is on plane adjust the trim according to
the information provided above and below in this sec-
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