The alarm is usually mounted out of sight under the
dash, behind the gauges. It is a high decibel horn that
is activated by the engine’s control system.
The alarm will sound to warn you that there is a prob-
lem with your engine or drive. Alarms sound for the
following engine malfunctions:
Low engine oil pressure
Engine overheating, coolant and exhaust
Water in drive bellows (OceanX only)
Water in drive oil or low drive oil level (OceanX only)
Continuing to run the engine without correct-
ing the cause of the problem may result in engine dam-
age or equipment failure.
For a detailed explanation of the problems mentioned
above and the corrective steps refer to
Safety precautions for boat
A rotating propeller can cause serious injury.
Never boat near people who are swimming or where
there is a risk that there are people in the water. The
engine must be off if there is anyone in the water near
the boat.
Check that nobody is in the water before shifting the
drive in to gear.
Never swim or board at the rear of the boat when the
engine is running, even if the drive is in neutral.
Never use the drive unit as a ladder or as a lift to board
the boat.
No one should be in the water at the transom or swim
platform if the engine is running. This is also a carbon
monoxide poisoning hazard, see
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