Stop the engine before opening the hatch to the engine compartment. An engine
which is in operation has rotating and moving parts which is dangerous to touch.
Bear in mind the risk of a fire. All engine fuel is potentially inflammable. Let an
expert correct any faults in the fuel system and always use genuine Volvo Penta
spare parts.
Frost Risk
The cooling system is filled with liquid and should be drained when there is risk
of frost. Note that in certain cases, a suction action may occur when the sea-
water system is being drained. Close all drainage points when the boat is not
under constant supervision. Any incorrectly performed drainage can cause the
boat to become filled with water and sink. Also bear in mind that the fresh water
tank and the toilet can be damaged by frost.
To Be Checked
The steering gear and controls must function perfectly and their operation
should be checked at regular intervals. Never take any chances if you suspect
that something is wrong. Take immediate action to remedy faults.
All rubber ages, so check all rubber parts at regular intervals. Parts which are of
special importance are the fuel hoses and those rubber parts which have to do
with the boat’s flotation ability. If the hoses feel dry and hard or display any
tendencies to crack, they should be replaced immediately.
Safety Onboard
Check safety materials onboard. Run through your mind what can happen and
let yourself and your crew practice drills to cope with events that you know can
happen. You will benefit by being prepared if anything does happen. If you take
good care of your boat and its engine, then the risk of anything happening is a
small one. Read the instruction book — before it happens.