Definition of accuracy
Accuracy specification in ± (% of r indication error). The accuracy is valid for one year at
a temperature of +23 °C (± 5 °C), and at a relative humidity of less than 75%, non-condensing.
The accuracy can be impaired if the device is exposed to high-frequency or strong electromag-
netic fields.
Loop resistance
0.010 – 0.099 Ω
0.001 Ω
±(1% + 0.01 Ω)
0.10 – 0.99 Ω
0.01 Ω
±(1% + 0.01 Ω)
1.0 – 49.9 Ω
0.1 Ω
±(1% + 0.1 Ω)
50.0 – 99.5 Ω
0.5 Ω
±(1.5% + 0.5 Ω)
100 – 199 Ω
1 Ω
±(2% + 1 Ω)
200 – 395 Ω
5 Ω
±(5% + 5 Ω)
400 – 590 Ω
10 Ω
±(10% + 10 Ω)
600 – 880 Ω
20 Ω
±(20% + 20 Ω)
900 – 1200 Ω
30 Ω
±(25% + 30 Ω)
Loop current
0.00 – 9.95 mA
0.01 mA
±(2.5% + 1 mA)
10.0 – 99.0 mA
0.1 mA
±(2.5% + 5 mA)
100 – 300 mA
1 mA
±(2.5% + 10 mA)
0.30 – 2.99 A
0.01 A
±(2.5% + 0.1 A)
3.0 – 9.9 A
0.1 A
±(2.5% + 0.3 A)
10.0 – 20.0 A
0.1 A
±(2.5% + 0.5 A)