Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- After the HELP key is pressed, a list of the possible functions is printed out.
3.3 - List of selectable functions
01 - Interrogate control unit version => Perform‐
ing self-diagnosis
02 - Interrogate fault memory
04 - Initiate basic setting
05 - Erase fault memory
06 - End output
08 - Read measured value block
Further functions, which can be printed out by pressing the HELP key, need not be considered.
- After interrogating a function the V.A.G 1551 returns to the following start position:
-> Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
3.4 - Interrogating fault memory
- Connect fault reader V.A.G 1551 and enter address word "02 Gearbox electronics" and advance until "Select
function XX" appears in the display => from page
-> Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Press keys 0 and 2. (The function "Interrogate fault memory" is selected with 02).
-> Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer Q
02 - Interrogate fault memory
- Confirm entry with key Q.
-> The number of stored faults or "No fault recognised" appears in the display.
X Faults recognised!
The stored faults are displayed in turn and printed out.
- After the last fault has been displayed and printed out, the faults should be rectified as described in the fault
- Press ⇒ key.
-> Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
After interrogating the fault memory and rectifying the faults:
Golf 1998 ➤
Automatic gearbox 01M self-diagnosis - Edition 10.1997
01 - Self-diagnosis, Electrical check