voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik GmbH
Assembly instructions KB 1 RH3 on pile-drivable subgrade
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Durability of corrosion protection
The vehicle barrier system's components are hot-dip galvanised in accordance with
EN ISO 1461 to ensure its operational lifetime / durability of protection.
The duration of protection for galvanised coatings is defined under EN ISO 14713
and is essentially dependent on the thickness of the coating. Generally, it can be
assumed that the zinc coating will erode continuously over the entire area. Due to the
known effective macroclimatic corrosion load for roads, corrosion category C4, zinc
corrosion amounting to 2.1 to 4.2 µm per year is to be expected. Therefore,
calculating with the average zinc layer thickness of minimum 70 µm in accordance
with EN ISO 1461, a protection duration of minimum 15 years is given.
The above specified calculated duration of protection applies to
macroclimatic effective corrosion loads only. Special
macroclimatic conditions could lead to a reduced duration of
Inspection and maintenance
Vehicle barrier systems manufactured by voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik GmbH are
fundamentally maintenance free.
The vehicle barrier system is to be visually inspected as part of the continuous
inspection trips carried out by the carriageway maintenance authority, however, this
must be realised at least once per year, preferably after the winter season. In doing
so, it is to be checked, among other things, that there are no deformed segments and
that the bolting is correct.
Recycling / Disposal
Dismantled vehicle barrier systems or exchanged components replaced during the
repair process are to be disposed of and recycled in accordance with statutory
requirements. All vehicle barrier system components manufactured by voestalpine
Krems Finaltechnik GmbH are 100% recyclable.
Packaging and other waste is to be recycled or disposed of in accordance with
statutory requirements.
Vehicle barrier systems manufactured by voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik GmbH do
not contain toxic or potentially hazardous materials.