If it locates an available package meeting the criteria, sqlserver equal to or later than version 9, it
installs the package and considers the dependency met. Package Manager then proceeds with the
other serversetup installation requirements.
If it does not locate a package meeting the criteria, the serversetup package will not install. It cannot
be installed until the dependency for sqlserver equal to or later than version 9.0 is met.
Define External Software Attributes
External Software is used to define the attributes by which software that was not installed by Package
Manager as part of a package is identified on target machines.
Identifying externally managed software is required to ensure the proper processing of dependencies and
conflicts when a package is installed on a machine where software was not installed by Package Manager.
If external software is not properly identified, you may install a second copy of an application because it
was specified as a dependency in a package, or you may install a package on a machine where externally
installed software was identified as conflicting with the package.
When adding entries to the external software list, the naming of the applications follows the same naming
conventions as a regular package (<externalpackagename>_<version>_<architecture>), but each one
contains one or more user-defined attributes rather than files. Once added to the list, the entries are
referred to in this documentation as external software packages.
External software package attributes serve as external package definitions. Each attribute consists of an
attribute name and value. The name is selected from the drop-down list, and the value is added to the text
When the external software list is published to the repository, the file name is Repository.options. The file
is published to the .hive folder in the repository files. Each repository can contain only one
Repository.options file. Therefore, the published Repository.options file list should contain definitions of
all the applications you are using as dependencies and specifying as conflicts for software packages
managed by the repository.
You will either be creating a new list or opening and adding to an existing list.
You have identified software already installed using the publishers installer, not Package Manager, on one
or more machines in your network, and you have determined the attributes Package Manager uses to
determine if the application is installed. See
"About External Software" on page 43
for more information
about naming and attributes.
1. Start the VMware vCenter Configuration Manager Package Studio. The default location on the
Collector is C:\[installation location]\VMware\VCM\Tools\Package Studio\PackageStudio.exe.
2. Click
External Software
By default, a blank list appears. If you are adding to an existing list, click
and browse to the
existing list you are editing. The saved file is <filename>.options.
3. Click
<New External Software>
and replace the text with the name you want to be treated as the
external software package name using the same conventions used for all package names. For example
4. Type the version number in the
text box.
5. Select the application architecture in the
drop-down list.
6. Click
<Select Attribute Name>
and select a registry property or WMI attribute in the drop-down list.
vCenter Configuration Manager Software Provisioning Components Installation and User's Guide
VMware, Inc.