A/ Strength
A11 Lower Abdominals
Brace yourself on your elbows and hold onto the front edge of the vibration plate.
Now, with a straight back, pull your buttocks up slowly as if you wanted to pull the
plate toward your feet. You should feel tension in your abdominal region. To vary the
routine, perform the same exercise from a kneeing position.
A12 Standing Abdominals
Stand in the centre of the vibration plate, feet shoulder width apart. Holding the railing
at chest height. Keeping the back straight and legs slightly bend, push your upper
torso down. Immediately you will begin to feel tension in your abdominal muscles. To
vary the exercise simply bend your arms further.
A13 Lateral Abdominals
With one foot directly behind the other, place one elbow on the vibration plate and
lean sideway. Keeping your head, torso and legs straight, push your shoulder down
and tighten your torso simultaneously. This exercise works the lateral abdomen. To
add variation try to push your hips upward at the same time.
A14 Push Up
Kneel in front of the vibration plate, placing hands on the plate shoulder width apart
with finger facing inward. With a straight back and strong abdomen, push off the
vibration plate platform. This exercise will strength chest, shoulder muscles and
triceps. For variation, try to straighten your legs and lifting your knees.
A15 Abdominal Crunch
Place a pillow under your back, raise your legs and place your hands under your head
for support making sure to keep your elbows parallel with the floor. Crunch your upper
body toward your legs and feel the tension in the abdominals. Ensure your buttocks
and lower back do not lose contact with the mat. To vary the routine, place your feet
on the step,