DU6771 DLP Projector User Manual
The User's Manual describes the installation, setup and operation of the projector and provides assistance to the
installation personnel and the end-user to fully develop the performance of the projector. Vivitek has made every effort
to ensure that the information in the Manual is correct at the time of printing. The contents may be frequently updated
due to the continuously product improvement and customer feedback. You can find the latest version of the Manual and
the manual of other Vivitek products on www.vivitekcorp.com.
Packing Checklist
The following items are included in the packaging box of the projector. If any loss or damage to any item, contact your
dealer or Vivitek customer service department.
AC Power Cord
Power Cord
VGA Signal Cable
IR Remote Control
Wired Remote Cable
Anti-thief Screw (M4)
(for Lens Installation)
User’s Manual Disc
RoHS Card (China)
Certificate (China)