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2 vLoc3-9800 Receiver
It is sometimes impossible to find a suitable projection to apply the connection clip to a ferrous material. If this is the case use
a magnet to contact the line and then clip the red clip to the magnet. A good example of this is to make a connection to a street
lighting circuit. Usually it is the practice to connect the sheath of a lighting cable to a street lamp's metallic inspection cover.
Making a connection to the inspection plate will energize the cable via the plate and sheath. Usually there is no projection on
which to clip so using the magnet on the plate provides a suitable clipping point.
Only authorized personnel should make connections to cables.
There may be buried lines nearby when pushing the ground stake into the ground. Check using
passive location before inserting the ground stake. Stop if additional resistance is felt during
2.10.2 Transmitter Signal Clamp (for frequencies above 8kHz)
In many situations when it is not possible to make a direct connection to a cable, a signal clamp will provide an efficient and safe
method to apply a locate signal.
Note that for best results the cable should be grounded at both ends. The clamp should be fully closed for optimal current
induction. A small amount of current will still be induced if the jaws are open.
When clamping around a cable make sure the clamp is placed below the grounding point as shown below.