Time set by
default (hours)
Cooking time
Delayed start
Keep warm
0:10 - 1:00
from 35 °C-160 °C
ATTENTION! Never switch the unit on in
the “ Baking” program with the valve (11)
Before using the “ Baking” program always
remove the pressure control valve (11).
- Watch the cooking process and switch the
m ulticooker o ff when the food is ready. Do not
leave the unit unattended.
- The “B aking" program is intended fo r dough
products only. Do not open the lid (8) during
the «Baking» program operation.
- In the «Roasting» program, the unit operates
sim ilarly to a kitchen stove, it is necessary to
watch the frying process.
- Do not leave the lid o f the unit open during
operation, except the «Roasting» program.
- Attention! Do n ot move the m ulticooker
during operation in the «Yogurt» and
«Cottage cheese» programs.
- The «Multicook» program is intended for
advanced users with sufficient cooking expe
- S ee recipes o f dishes in the Recipe book
(supplied with the unit). All recipes are
to b e taken as recom m endations as the
required am ount and proportions o f the
ingredients m ay vary depending on local
pecu liarities o f the food and altitude
above sea level.
During the first operation o f the m ulti
cooker, som e foreign sm ell from the h e a t
ing elem en t can appear. It is normal.
Never leave the operating unit unattended.
• To cancel a current operation mode, press
and hold down the ON/OFF button (19)
fo r 2 seconds.
- Despite the unit keeps the ready dish warm
fo r 2 4 hours, it is n ot recom m ended to
leave the cooked food in the bowl fo r a long
time, because this m ay spoil the food.
- Do not use the keep warm function for
heating up foods.
1. Pressure modes in the bowl (6)
- If the pressure control valve (11) is in place,
the unit will cook foods in the mode of maxi
mum pressure in the bowl (6).
- For cooking in the decreased pressure mode,
install the valve (11) to its place and press the
button (10).
N ote: To return to the operation mode at maxi
mum pressure, turn the lid (8) in the direction
o f the sym bol
|-'p, and make sure to relieve the
pressure if the unit has already heated up.
- If you want to cook without pressure, remove
the pressure control valve (11).
2. Loading foods and connecting to the
- Make sure that there are no foreign objects,
dirt o r moisture in the process cham ber and
on the bottom o f the bowl (6).
- Wipe the ou ter surface and the bottom o f the
bowl (6) dry before use.
- In the m iddle o f the heating elem ent (14)
there is a tem perature sensor (15). Make
sure that the m ovem ent o f the sensor is not
- Make sure that the level o f ingredients and
liquids does not exceed the maxim al m ark
«10» and is not low er than the m inim al m ark
«2». The maxim al level m ark fo r porridges
(except rice) is «8».
G eneral exam ple o f rice loading
Measure rice with the measuring cup (24), wash
it and place in a casserole.
The w ater level required fo r a certain am ount
o f rice is given on the scale inside the bow l (6):
water level is given in cups «CUP». Pour w ater up
to the corresponding mark.
Exam ple: A fte r putting four measuring cups o f
cereal, p o u r w ater till the m ark «4 CUP».
For liquid porridges it is recommended to use
rice and water in the proportion 1:3.
V T -4 2 2 5 .in d d 6
2 6 .0 8 .2 0 1 4 1 4:22:12