The parapodium consists of the following elements:
Diagram 1
Principles of Function of Dynamic Parapodium Model PD150, PD180, PD200.
Many years of experiments and observation of disabled people with paraplegia have proven, how difficult it is to
design a simple, easy to operate device for a large group of users characterised by a large diversity of physical condition of
the organism and complications involving the internal organs.
We assumed that the driving force for the device must be provided by the work of the parts of the body unaffected
by the disease, i.e. the upper part of the trunk and the hands. Our attempts in this field have been successful. We have
designed a device, which principles of function are presented below.
Unique design of the Dynamic Parapodium makes the device very sensitive to any alterations of its own gravity
centre. The position of the centre of gravity of the parapodium can be changes in two planes:
The plane perpendicular to the axis of the runners, extending through the corset hanger joint (after positioning the
patient in the parapodium, this plane extends through the axis of their hip joints)
The plane parallel to the axis of the runners and perpendicular to the axis extending through the corset hanger joint.
Alteration of the centre of gravity of the device together with the patient provides the driving force for the movement
of the parapodium
The principles of movement of the Dynamic Parapodium Model PD150,PD180, PD200.
The driving force for the movement of the parapodium is provided by alteration of the centre of gravity of the
patient-parapodium system.
Alterations of the centre of gravity in the plane perpendicular to the intended direction of movement are obtained by
slight periodical movements of the upper part of the trunk. Even slight movements of the trunk to the sides are sufficient to
cause alternating lifting of the runners with platforms supporting the patient’s feet from the ground. Thanks to this the patient
is able to stand (to rest on) on one or the other leg like in typical walking.