V i t a l W e l l E l e c t r o n i c s P t e L t d
w w w . v i t a l - w e l l . c o m
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A data frame always begins with the two ASCII
characters, standing for
_ Commands are coded over one or several characters and may include
additional data
_ A given command always ends up with a < CR> Carriage Return
Additional data
Note: The delay between 2 characters of the same command must be less
than 30 seconds
All alphabetical characters typed in configuration command mode are converted
to upper case before being interpreted by the configurator. Thus commands can
be typed using either upper or lower case.
Despite its similarity to standard telecommunication modem, it remains a radio
link modem and is consequently fitted with some particular and specific
commands proper to radio transmission (I.e. communication channel, radio