Vitals BKZ 5022o Manual Download Page 48

Послідовність роботи

1. Розчистіть зону навколо дерева.
2. Визначте напрям, в якому буде падати спиляне дерево, з

урахуванням напрямку вітру, розташування гілок на дереві, зручності
роботи після того, як дерево буде спиляне.

3. Прийміть стійку позу, розташувавшись так, щоб бензопила не змогла

нанести травму Вам або наткнутися на яку-небудь перешкоду.

4. Підготуйте шлях відходу, який повинен бути спланований з

урахуванням напрямку падіння спиляного дерева (див. малюнок 13).

5. Запустіть двигун.
6. Почніть пиляти дерево з того боку (3), куди воно має впасти (див.

малюнок 12). Зробіть клиновидний розпил (1) під кутом 30-45 градусів,
глибина якого приблизно дорівнює 1/3 від товщини стовбуру.
Валочний розпил (2) зробіть з протилежного боку від клиновидного
розпилу, помістивши зубчастий упор бензопили на стовбур на 2,5-5 см
вище нижнього краю клиновидного розпилу. Завершіть розпилювання
тоді, коли до внутрішнього краю клиновидного розпилу залишиться
десь 1/10 діаметра стовбуру.

7. Коли робите валочний розпил, не намагайтеся пропиляти стовбур

наскрізь до клиновидного розпилу. Частина стовбуру, що залишилася
розпиленою, виступатиме штирем при падінні дерева, направляючи
його в необхідну сторону. Коли дерево почне падати, зупиніть двигун
бензопили, укладіть виріб на землю та негайно відійдіть у заздалегідь
намічену безпечну зону.

8. Використовуючи спеціальні валочні пристосування, поваліть дерево в

заздалегідь спланованому напрямку.


Розкряжування – це поперечне розпилювання поваленого дерева

або колоди на частини.

укладіть колоду на опори (використовуйте козли);
при розпилюванні колоди на схилі розташовуйтесь завжди на високій
частині схилу;
при розпилюванні ніколи не ставайте на колоду.

Основні правила, які застосовуються в процесі розкряжування:

Розпилювання колоди без підкладання опор





Коли дерево почне падати, відійдіть від стовбуру як
мінімум на 3 м, щоб ухилитися, в разі відскоку стовбуру
через пень.


Пиляти стовбур дерева необхідно на максимальних
обертах двигуна, при цьому повільно занурюючи шину
бензопили в стовбур дерева.

9 4


малюнок 13

малюнок 14

1-й пропил














Передбачуваний напрямок падіння

Небезпечна зона

Небезпечна зона





Summary of Contents for BKZ 5022o

Page 1: ...M A N U A L F O R T E C H N I C A L U S E C H A I N S A W S BKZ 5022o BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823os W W W V I T A L S C O M U A...

Page 2: ...tion 4 3 The use of personal protective equipment 4 4 Risk of output and kickback 5 Operation 5 1 Application 5 2 Getting Started 5 3 Chainsaw Work 6 Maintenance 7 Transportation and storage 8 Trouble...

Page 3: ...use the product This manual must be stored for later use We are constantly working to improve its products and therefore reserve the right to make changes in the appearance equipment and production t...

Page 4: for BKZ 5823os the force applied by the operator at the time of starting the engine is reduced by 30 Easy start system is an additional spring which is passed through the rotary motion of the ratch...

Page 5: ...ld 7 The throttle lever 8 The ignition switch 9 Stopper holes for pouring fuel mixture 10 Carburetor adjustment screws 11 The handle for manual starter 12 Protective finger guard 13 Plug the oil fill...

Page 6: ...Fuel type mixture of gasoline with oil for two stroke engines 25 1 Volume of cylinder sm 3 50 58 58 Power W h p 2 2 3 0 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 The maximum frequency rev min 10500 10500 10500 Idlespeed rev m...



Page 9: ...the chain saw or cling to the tree see Figure 2 Do not wear loose clothing for work a shirt with sleeves or with wide sleeves scarf tie as well as objects of decoration for example chains and bracelet...

Page 10: ...the saw especially the bar nose The tire is solid wood chainsaw to hold only when the engine is running the engine already clocked up to maximum speed Holes toe tires do only if you are well trained...

Page 11: ...with two screws 4 Place the chain over the drive sprocket located on the clutch 6 Note the correct direction of movement of the chain as shown in Figure 4 5 Put the tire on the guide pins 1 a long gro...

Page 12: ...wdriver chain tension adjustment screw 1 in the direction of the arrow A or B see Figure 5 to loosen or tighten the chain By turning the screw 1 anti clockwise the chain is weakened A while turning th...

Page 13: ...hen the oil Mix well 3 Thoroughly clean Area around the fuel cap and the fuel tank cap itself from contamination to prevent the ingress of chips particles of dust and dirt inside the tank 4 Remove the...

Page 14: ...ean the area around the oil tank and the tank cap of dirt to prevent the ingress of chips particles of dust and dirt inside the tank 3 Remove the fuel cap Oil tank 2 see Figure 6 4 Using a funnel to a...

Page 15: ...tating the stem 1 clockwise towards MIN oil supply decreases Checking the emergency brake circuit WARNING If the oil is not supplied to the circuit for 1 minute we recommend to stop the engine Otherwi...

Page 16: ...gency brake circuit 1 Place the chain saw on a flat surface Make sure the tire chain is not touching any other object 2 Start the engine 3 Click on the throttle 4 Lock the chain brake holding his hand...

Page 17: ...he handle to the original position and then abruptly pull the starter handle Repeat this process 2 3 times until the engine starts to catch Once the engine will catch stop the process of starting the...

Page 18: ...the disconnected bus with a chain Throughout the period running engine must be running at idling speed specified in paragraph 3 of this manual During the run in or run the engine at higher speeds and...

Page 19: the felling cut do not try to saw through the trunk to the wedge shaped cut Part of the trunk the rest not sawn will serve pin by falling trees directing it to the desired direction When the tree...

Page 20: ...on of the product drive pin in the cut to reveal it and then gently pull out the bus When cutting logs are best used as a stop goats Make sure when cutting logs securely in place see Figure 17 Make th...

Page 21: ...g The process of pruning twigs and branches from a fallen tree is very similar to the process of bucking 1 Determine the direction of the bend to saw off the branch 3 2 Make a small incision is made a...

Page 22: ...use and storage of necessary time to carry out maintenance Use only original spare parts TM Vitals The use of non original spare parts can cause damage to the product visual inspection Maintenance Con...

Page 23: ...Oiltank flushing Oilfilter flushing replacement Oilline replacement once every 3 years Fuel leak Testing filling Fueltank flushing Fuelfilter flushing replacement Fuelline replacement once every 3 yea...

Page 24: ...iven sprocket see Figure 22 2 Make sure that the oil holes are clean 3 Lubricate the tire groove driven sprocket and oil hole oil intended for the lubrication of the chain 1 Remove dust and dirt from...

Page 25: ...he condition of the spark plug and its replacement Adjusting the carburetor 1 Disconnect the cap from the spark plug 2 Remove dirt from the spark plug and cap 3 Remove the spark plug wrench spark plug...

Page 26: ...ter clockwise 1 2 turns 6 7 2 8 WARNING It is possible that during the initial start up the engine chain saws as well as during engine break in may need to fine tune the carburetor 1 The adjusting scr...

Page 27: remove the oil filter 5 out of the oil tank 3 Carefully remove the oil filter from the oil line 6 4 Wash the oil filter in gasoline kerosene or white spirit using a soft brush 5 Wash the oil tank w...

Page 28: ...covered by the product off the dust and small debris The presence of vapors of acids alkalis and other aggressive substances is prohibited Keep out of reach of children chainsaw Chainsaw before making...

Page 29: ...s guide Engine failure Contact the Service Center Lack of power Carburetor not adjusted Adjust Lack of power Contaminated fuel Changing fuel Dirty air filter Cleaning the air filter Spark plug complet...

Page 30: ...f oil Replace There is no oil delivery Checking the oil in the oil tank refill up to standards No oil supply oil pump is out of order Contact the Service Center No oil supply oil return pipe is dirty...

Page 31: The cause of the fault was of poor quality or inadequate requirements management fuel mixture The product has high mechanical and thermal damage obvious signs of careless handling storage or transp...

Page 32: ...Vitals Vitals 6 2 6 3...

Page 33: ...Vitals Master Vitals Master BKZ 5022o BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823os BKZ 5823os 30 Vitals Master BKZ 5022o BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823os BKZ 5823os BKZ 5823os 6 4 6 5 1...

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Page 35: ...1 25 50 58 58 2 2 3 0 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 10500 10500 10500 2800 2800 2800 17 3 17 3 17 3 0 12 0 12 0 12 550 550 550 260 260 260 18 20 20 0 325 0 325 0 325 110 405 265 285 860 265 285 410 270 300 7 0 7 5...

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Page 39: ...5 1 5 1 2 2 M A S T E R A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 7 5 3 4...

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Page 42: ...25 1 1 2 3 4 1 5 550 6 7 10 92 8 2 8 3 6...

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Page 46: ...5 1 2 3 4 1 11 5 6 11 7 4 6 22 1 8 2 11 9 3 11 2 3 10 11 1 3 12 BKZ 5823os 90 9 1 11...

Page 47: ...5 1 2 3 3 5 1 2 1 3 3 1 0 STOP 11 5 3 5 3 92 93 12 2 5 1 10 30 45 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 3...

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Page 51: ...1 2 Vitals Master BKZ 5022o BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823os Vitals 1 6 21 1 0 0 1 01...

Page 52: ...3 3 1 25 50 3 100 1 25 50 3 100 1 1 0 2 1 0 3...

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Page 54: ...BKZ 5022o BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823os 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 4 0 60 0 70 23 5 6 5 1 5 2 0 60 0 70 23 1 0 6 1 07 0 6 0 7...

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Page 60: ...18 i Vitals Master 5022 BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823o BKZ o s 9 1 1 8 1 1 9...

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Page 62: ...1 5022 BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823o 30 5022 BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823o Vitals Master BKZ o s Vitals Master Vitals Master BKZ o s s s s BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823o 1 2 2 1 23...

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Page 64: ...3 BKZ o 5022 BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823os 25 1 50 58 58 2 2 3 0 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 10500 10500 10500 2800 2800 2800 17 3 17 3 17 3 0 12 0 12 0 12 550 550 550 260 260 260 18 20 20 0 325 0 325 0 325 110 405 265 2...

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Page 71: ...25 1 6 1 2 3 4 1 5 550 6 7 10 92 1 40 1 4 1...

Page 72: ...1 1 15 20 2 260 5022 BKZ 5823o BKZ 5823o 1 2 3 2 6 4 5 Vitals Master BKZ o s 7 1 42 1 4 3...

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