Subject to the conditions listed below, Vitalograph Ltd. and its associated
companies, (hereinafter called the Company) guarantee to repair or at its opinion
replace any component thereof, which, in the opinion of the Company is faulty or
below standard as a result of inferior workmanship or materials.
The conditions of this Guarantee are:
1. This Guarantee shall only apply to hardware defects which are notified to the
Company or to its accredited distributor within 1 year of the date of purchase
of the equipment, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company
2. Software (meaning computer software, or user installable modules) is
guaranteed for 90 days from the date of purchase.
3. The Company warrants that the software when correctly used in conjunction
with the hardware will perform in the manner described in the Company's
literature and user manuals. The Company undertakes to rectify at no
expense to the customer any software failure notified within the period stated
above, provided that the failure can be recreated and the software has been
installed and used in accordance with the user manual. Notwithstanding this
clause, the software is not warranted to be free of errors.
4. This Guarantee does not cover any faults caused by accident, misuse,
neglect, tampering with the equipment, use of consumable items or parts not
approved by the Company, or any attempt at adjustment or repair other than
by personnel accredited by the Company, nor does it cover reinstatement of
any configuration changes caused by the installation of any software.
5. If a defect occurs, please contact the supplier from whom it was purchased for
advice. The Company does not authorise any person to create for it any other
obligation or liability in connection with Vitalograph
6. This guarantee is not transferable and no person, firm or company has any
authority to vary the terms or conditions of this Guarantee.
7. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company does not accept
liability for any consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to
use any Vitalograph
8. This Guarantee is offered as an additional benefit to the Consumer's statutory
rights and does not affect these rights in any way.