Technical information
What you should know about blood pressure
3. Why you should measure blood pressure regularly
Even the time of day has an influence on your blood pressure.
During the day the values are generally higher than during the
periods of rest at night. One-off and irregular measurements
therefore say little about your actual blood pressure. A reliable
assessment is possible only when measurements are taken reg-
ularly. Discuss the measurement values with your doctor.
1. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure values
The cardiovascular system has the important function of sup-
plying all organs and tissues in the body with sufficient amounts
of blood and of transporting metabolites. To do so, the heart
contracts and expands at a regular rate of about 60 to 80 times
per minute. The pressure of the flowing blood on the artery
walls caused by the heart contracting is termed systolic. The
pressure in the ensuing relaxation phase, when the heart refills
with blood, is termed diastolic. During daily measurement you
determine both values.
2. Why you measure different values
Our blood pressure responds to internal and external influences
like a sensitive measuring instrument. It can be affected by even
slight changes. This explains why values measured by a doctor
or pharmacist are higher than those measured at home in the
environment you are used to. Changes in the weather, climate
changes, or physical or psychological stress can have effects as
1. Failure and error messages
Failure en-
Possible cause
Corrective action
Err - 300
Excessive cuff pres-
Cuff inflated to
maximum due to
movement of the
arm or body.
The hose may be
kinked or the air con-
nector blocked.
- Repeat measurement
- Do not move arm
- Do not talk
Check that hose with air
connector is clear (unob-
Err - 1
Measurement error,
measurement could
not be performed
due to movement or
- Repeat measurement
- Do not move arm
- Do not talk
Err - 2
Inflation error,
pressure built up too
quickly or too slowly.
Check that air connector
is correctly fitted, repeat
Fault was recog-
nised. Cuff is not
correctly fitted.
- Repeat measurement
- Do not move arm
- Do not talk*
Err - 3
Deflation rate too
high or too low.
Keep still during meas-
Display 0
Start/Stop button
accidentally pressed
while battery was
being changed.
Switch unit off and then
on again with Start/Stop
button; if necessary.
*Call the Service Hotline if this fault occurs repeatedly.